Alt Mediterrany,
the tastiest version of fruit
Alt Natural, Healthy
And Delicious!
SHOP NOW We dry foods with freeze-drying technologies, the most advanced drying method in the world, and offer you crispy and healthy snacks with high nutritional value with organisms and in their most natural state. We add flavor to your meals with the fruits and vegetables we dry with NASA technology Freeze Dry.
Alt Say 'Hello' To The
New Generation Of Snacks!
SHOP NOW Mediterrany chips, which have a crunchy consistency, are an excellent option for snacks, snacks and food storage.nSince all the water is removed during the drying phase, freeze-dried foods that become 10 times lighter can be transported and stored very easily.

What is Freeze Drying?

Freeze dried technology, which is the most advanced drying method in the world, ensures that the products are preserved without losing their naturality . 

It preserves its nutritional value by 98% and with this technology used, the color, shape and taste of the product do not change. 

Moreover, It contains no additive and no sugar 

Why Freeze Dry?


By using the Freeze dry method, nutritional value of the food can be preserved up to 98% 


The products do not contain any refined or added sugar.


The products do not contain gluten.


The products do not contain animal products.

Why Freeze Dry?


By using the Freeze dry method, nutritional value of the food can be preserved up to 98% 


The products do not contain any refined or added sugar.


The products do not contain gluten.


The products do not contain animal products.

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