We offer your favorite fruits and vegetables to you and your loved ones with the space age tech Freeze-Dry method.

Who Are We?

Established as a subsidiary of Terra Trade, one of the important Turkish companies in Belgium, with the principle of innovative products, quality production and sustainable sourcing, Mediterrany turns the most delicious agricultural products of Turkey into healthy snacks with the world's most advanced drying method, freeze-drying technology.

We combine our innovative products with sustainable sourcing and modern technology. 

Our Story

Since we met with freeze-drying technology, which is the most advanced drying method in the world, we have worked with hundreds of food varieties. We created Mediterrany by preserving the freshness, flavor and nutritional values of fruits and vegetables without using any additives or sugar. By taking great care of all the processes, starting from raw material to the packaging, we synergize this latest technology and the agricultural products of Turkey. 


As a team, we produce healthy and most natural snacks with a great sensitivity. We give great importance to innovation, thanks to this, our expert and agile team can produce solutions for the needs of consumers. We offer long-term solutions to lead the market with our R&D studies, and we continue to work for the best. 

We respect people, land and nature throughout all our supply and production processes, and act with a high level of self- control. 

How Do We Produce?

We carefully select the raw materials which are grown sustainably by our contracted farmers, dry them by using Freeze-Dry technology and pack under the controlled conditions to deliver you. We produce the best tasting freeze dried products while keeping the most nutritional values of the food. 

We produce best tasting, crispy, natural snacks for consumers, care about their health. 
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